30 December 2010

Another Update: [Insert Original, Humourous Name Here]

Hello fellow readers!

How are you all doing? Good, I hope. And I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas/holiday and are looking forward to 2011! I know I certainly am. 

I know I've been absent this week, but I've been so busy with family events and other stuff like that, I've not had time to blog. And obviously, however much I disagree, family stuff has to come before reading and blogging. *sad face*

I just wanted to let you all know that I am here, I'm alive, and I now have 110 followers on this blog, and 100 subscribers on my Youtube channel! Have you figured out what that means yet? 

That's right, I'm hosting my first giveaway! It's only going to be a little one, but I think most of you will enjoy it :) I'll let you in on it tomorrow when I have time to make a video to go along with the post! So make sure you stop by for that.

Have a lovely day/evening/night everybody!


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